Dr. Sarah Wormwood grew up in southeast Connecticut and then went to college here in Maine because of her love for the state. She graduated from the University of Maine in Orono in December of 1991, and then from Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in May of 1996.
Currently, Dr. Wormwood is an "empty nester" living in Dayton, with her husband Ron, an australian cattle dog (Steele), and 3 cats .
She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and Maine Veterinary Medical Association.
When not working, Dr. Wormwood , serves as a Corporator for the Biddeford Savings Bank, and helps on her husband's farm raising Hereford, Maine Anjou and Chi cross beef cattle. Dr. Wormwood also enjoys jet skiing, boating at their family camp in Acton, and vacationing in warm weather places during the winter months.